What is God doing in Japan
- At April 18, 2012
- By Greg Lilley
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As I look back on the last two months here in Japan I have taken some time to ask how is God moving in Japan right now? First and foremost I think He is more committed then ever to seeing the Alter of worship and prayer established here and He is raising up Watchmen/Prayer warriors with worshiping hearts to praise his name and cry out night and day for justice and revival in Japan. Also I am more convinced then ever that God’s dream for this nation is Radical and unparalleled Revival where the revelation of Jesus is proclaimed to every heart and the good news of His Grace, Power and Forgiveness is revealed to every single Japanese, that he might have the reward of his inheritance in this nation.
Right now between 1 and 6 percent of Japan knows and believes in Jesus which is stunning when you consider that when St. Francis Xavier arrived in Japan on 27 July 1549 and proclaimed/prophesied that no other nation was more ready for the Gospel of Jesus Christ then the Japanese. A prophecy that has for too long been delayed in fulfillment with too many Japanese souls lost for eternity for lack of revelation of the freedom and truth of the gospel.
I believe the proclamation of Japanese Martyr Paulo Miki which is…
I am a Japanese by birth… I have committed no crime, and the only reason why I am put to death is that I have been teaching the doctrine of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I am very happy to die for such a cause, and see my death as a great blessing from the Lord. At this critical time, when, you can rest assured that I will not try to deceive you, I want to stress and make it unmistakably clear that man can find no way to salvation other than the Christian way.
The Christian religion commands that we forgive our enemies and those who have wronged us. I must therefore say here that I forgive… those resposible for my death. I have no hatred… indeed I wish that he and all the Japanese would become Christians.“
The Christian way being that He (Jesus) is the Way the Truth and the Life and NO ONE comes to the Father except through Him. (emphasis added). And I KNOW that Paulo’s wish that all Japanese would become Christians or to rephrase his statement “would know Jesus” was a cry strait from the heart of God.
For generations Japan has been described “a hard place”, “swamp where the gospel can’t spread” and “to difficult”. This was not what St. Francis described or Paulo declared at the price of his own life. Our God is not intimidated by Japan. Our God is not indifferent about the Japanese. Our God is not incapable of revealing Himself or his goodness to this nation.
I was talking to a long term missionary here in Japan a few weeks ago and this subject came up I was so excited by what he had to say. It’s never been like this before in Japan he said there is an openness to Jesus to the Gospel to Salvation like never before. This man has given decades of his life pursing Japan with God’s heart, and HE sees God is doing a new thing here. Now is Japan’s time.
So the question we must ask ourselves is how can we partner with what God is doing/fulfilling in Japan. Here is what I see.
The Universities!!
Japanese University students are in a special time of life that is very much different that their counterparts in the west. In Japan kids work six day a week twelve hours a day or more to get into the right university. After University the expectation in Japan is that you work for your company with that same dedication. But while in university the pressure is off. Once in to a School actually getting a degree is relatively easy. Japanese university student actually have time to ponder life and purpose and not just be overwhelmed by expectation. It is in the Universities of Japan that the seeds of revival will be planted.
The Church!!!
God has never had a plan B. His bride is his partner in this age and She is awakening to who she is in Japan! The Church of Japan is starting to realize that they know the creator of the universe and their nation desperately needs to know him and they carry the message that unlocks the chains that for too long have kept this nation locked up. They are awaking to the revelation that Christ dwells in them and where He goes things have to change! They have to start looking like heaven.
This goes along with the Church but it has a more global perspective. Never before has the Church embraced her Lord and Savior in prayer and worship as in this current age and history has shown us that when the Church prays and seeks Jesus Revival and Reformation ALWAYS follows. What’s more since the March 11th earthquake much of that prayer has turned to Japan!!! So as we pray for Japan our Expectation HAS to be Revival in Japan.
What does that mean in our daily lives?
We need to Pray for the universities of Japan, The Church of Japan and participate in every practical opportunity. That looks different for each of us but the reward is the same that our Lord and Savior would receive the reward of His suffering in the nation of Japan.