Prayer Request
- At March 24, 2012
- By Greg Lilley
- In Uncategorized
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Hello to our dear supporters, and prayer covering, We are in Tokyo and are looking for a place to rent long term for the first time in our married life (four years) We have targeted two apartments in north west Tokyo. It is going to cost us about 4 months rent just to get into one ($3,250) (it’s the way things work here) and we also need to get basic furnishings for the appt. ie. cloths washer, heater, fridge, beds. and basic dishes and cooking stuff. we have some money set aside but we are asking you to pray for us that God would provide what we need when we need it. We also wanted to let our needs be known to you so you could pray and if the Lord leads to maybe sponsor one or more of these needs. This is an exciting time for our base as we start a new season in north Tokyo and a new DTS Rachel and I are so excited about what God is doing here in Japan. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support we love you all.
Greg and Rachel Lilley
If you would like to help, our website is